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 Internationally  Acclaimed Archive PDF files
 Author & Playwright
1. Creative Writing Archive Introduction 26. Sylvia Plath's Daddy
2. Beenie Man 27. The Literary Manifesto
3. Book Reviewing 28. The Romans in Britain
4. Borges Character in Po-Mo Fiction 29. The Sonnet Tradition
5. Craft Skills Ian Fleming 30. Tolerance and Offence - Behzti
6. Creative Uses of Vernacular Language 31. Tradition and Influence
7. Early Texts and Orality 32. Tradition and Literary Canon
8. Editing 33. University in a Time of Austerity
9. Gillian Clarke's 'Swinging' 34. Walter Abish & Po-Mo Fiction
10. Gunter Grass 35. Working Effectively in Editorial Teams
11. Handling Rejection 36. Writers in Opposition
12. Life Writing 37. Writing on Public Themes Linton Kwesi Johnson
13. Literary Honours 38. Yeats' the Lake Isle at Innisfree'
14. Literature Survey 39. The Bible as an Early Literary Text
15. Oh F**k! Writing and Bad Language 40. How is Coursework Marked
16. Oliver Reynolds' Choice of Words 41. Edu-biz
17. Place in Lawrence, Thomas and Fitzgerald 42. The Ancient Patrons of Writing
18. Project Planning and Research Funding 43. Orwell's Politics and The English Language
19. Raymond Carver and Authenticity 44. Death by Elocution
20. Researching the Magazine Market 45. Writers' Voice
21. Researching the Market 46. Censoring Writers
22. Ry Cooder and 'One Meat Ball' 47. Creative Writing and The Classics
23. Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses 48. The Creative Writing Archive at Derby University
24. Shelley and Atheism 49. Research and The World of Work
25. So What Will You Say?